Miss Nandita Arvind Morarji, better known as “Nagma,” is an accomplished Bollywood actress with tremendous versatility and skill. Entering the film industry at a young age, Nagma is probably the only actress of her kind to have played a variety of roles in over 100 movies spanning 10 different languages, which allowed her to travel extensively to shooting locales across India and the world. This kaleidoscopic exposure to different languages and cultures has helped significantly broaden her horizon as an actress as well as a human being.Nagma made a high impact debut in the Indian film industry in 1989, playing the lead role in the widely acclaimed movie “Baaghi,” where she was paired opposite heartthrob of the nation, Salman Khan. The debut film made waves at the box office, jumpstarting her career.
Her eagerness to travel and experience the “real” India subsequently led her to regional films. A fast learner, she quickly acquired fluency in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Punjabi and even Marathi, in addition to being already well versed with Hindi and English. Nagma belongs to an elite category of Bollywood actresses, with a career spanning close to two decades during which she has appeared alongside both mainstream and regional superstars, covering the length and breadth of the Indian film industry.
Her eagerness to travel and experience the “real” India subsequently led her to regional films. A fast learner, she quickly acquired fluency in Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Bhojpuri, Punjabi and even Marathi, in addition to being already well versed with Hindi and English. Nagma belongs to an elite category of Bollywood actresses, with a career spanning close to two decades during which she has appeared alongside both mainstream and regional superstars, covering the length and breadth of the Indian film industry.
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